Friday, September 25, 2009

Ethan's cakes

Ethan had alot of fun with his cakes this year. For his birthday party, he had cupcakes that looked like soccer balls, basket balls, and baseballs. The kids loved them(Especially the frosting). For his at home party, I used all the cake skills I had and managed to make a Superman cake. My Sister-in-laws Sara and Amanda could have done WAY better, but I tried.

Ethan's mother load

You never really realize how spoiled you child is until they have a birthday. Ethan got books, movies and A LOT of toys. Here he is displaying a play piano he got from his grandma Leavitt, an Indiana Jones hat from my mom and Dad, and A LIGHTSABER!!!!

Ethan's Birthday Party

So, Ethan had his 2nd Birthdya while we were living in Los Alamos. This was GREAT for me because I had my parents there to help with the party. It was at the church( which was right next door to our house) so I didn't have to make a mess in the house we were staying in. The kids had a blast and it was sooooo much fun to watch them! The theme was "Ethan is throwing a Ball". Basically, we just had a ton of ball related games the all of the kids coulod play with freely. We had a basket ball hoop, crocket, bowling, a ball pit, a soccer goal, and a pinata shaped like a basketball. I was particularly proud of the invitations.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

FINALLY BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everybody! It's been just a bout forever since I've been able to blog, so I need to catch everyone up to speed. Since I blogged last, Matt graduated from BYU with a degree in Theatre Education. Go Matt!!!!
After BYU, we moved to Los Alamos to house sit for my old Middle school Drama teacher, Justine Jones. I was a huge house and we loved living there. Thanks a million Justine! Matt was able to get a long term sub job at the Highschool in Los Alamos teaching drama because the regular teacher was on maternity leave. It was a great first teaching experience for him.
While we were in Los Alamos, Matt turned 26 and Ethan turned 2. I'll be sure to post pictures of the parties and Matt's graduation later.
After a VERY long search and a lot of prayers, Matt got hired on as a highschool english teacher in Globe Arizona. So now we are living in Globe, trying to settle in and trying to get back into some kind of a routine. So, that's us for now. I'll be sure to blog a lot more often now that we have better internet(Thanks Mom&Dad)