Saturday, June 28, 2008

Are you gonna eat that?

So, I finally got around to posting the pictures we took at the Leavitt reunion in May. Ethan loved playing with his cousins. He especially loved hanging around Eliana when she looked like she needed help finishing her food.


I walked into the living room to discover Ethan receiving a water noodle fencing lesson from his uncle Tyson. Ethan seemed to really love it until he discovered that I was capyuring the event on film.

Looking Great Grandma, but you're hair could use some work

Now, the meain thing I want people to notice is how great Sandi looks. she has been very loyal about her diet and it has really paid off. Unfotunately, for this picture, she was in a kind of goofy mood and was wearing a particularly nasty wig.

Too Much Vacation

I know this is a little mean, but Matt fell asleep in a chair after we had gone swimming and it just looked so funny that I had to take a picture. Maybe someday He'll forgive me.