Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mobile baby

I guess one of the consequences of having a mobile baby is that he can and does get into everything.

I want to be Like Daddy

Lately, Ethan wants to do everything we do. He may be a little young for this, but it's still pretty cute.

Transformer's Birthday

Matt's parents came this weekend to see Matt's play. They absolutely loved it, which they should, I mean any production with Matt Leavit in it has got to be a hit. Any way, Since Matt's birthday is coming up, I decorated the apartment and made a cake for his birthday. The Thransformer's symbol is just Red sprinkles and I used a stencil I made from the computer, but I think it actuall turned out alright. We could only find one birthday candle though. Just imagine 24 more, I guess.

Mommy's Little Helper

The other day, I was using the Dust Devil to get all the little nooks and crannies the big vaccuum can't get to. Ethan thought it was one of the coolest things he had ever seen and took it away from me. He didn't quite understand how to use it, though.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Christmas boys

Unfortunately, There aren't many pictures of Ethan for his first Christmas. He got really sick Christmas Eve and he slept through opening presents on Christmas day. He gave us a pretty good scare, but he seems to be doing a lot better now. We did manage to get some pretty cute pictures of Ethan with his cousin, Kyle before he got sick though. It turned out that they had some matching pajamas and it was too cute a photo opportunity to pass up. They also decided to shake their presents a bit to see if they could guess what they were getting for christmas, as you can see.

Scenic Art Final

This is Matt standing next to his scenic art final. He had to paint a flat. I think it turned out looking pretty amazing, but most of his projects usually do.

Subliminal Messages

Matt made a stone in his flat a little different from the others. Can you see the secret symbol?(hee,hee)

Ethan and Scenic Art

Ethan thought his Daddy's painting looked pretty real. I think he was surprised when he found out it was just paint.

Scenic Art Final

Hers's some up close pictures of the details on Matt's scenic art flat. He did a really good job.(He even painted a shadow across the curtain cast by the window pane!)